511      Silver Industries (3:3)

Overview of the longevity economy and its influence on entrepreneurial opportunities. Case illustrations highlighted. Using the entrepreneurial business model, students explore opportunities, risks, and rewards in the silver industries market.

In this course, students will explore the vast array of products being designed internationally for older adults (Japan, Korea, and Europe) both in the healthcare industry and beyond. Working in teams, students will be encouraged to research the need for a new silver product/service for the older adult. This course will be a mixture of seminar and experiential learning environment. (Same as GRO 511) ENT/BUS 511 Syllabus

511-N      Problems in Public Management: Nonprofit Law (1)

This course is intended to introduce basic principles of law applicable to nonprofit organizations. (Same as PSC 511-N)

524          Media Financing and Distribution (3:3)

Processes of raising and budgeting funds and distributing film and videos for theatrical release, direct DVD/video release, or television broadcast. (Same as MST 524)

525          Media Organization and Management (3:3)

Principles and practices of the organization and management of electronic media and motion pictures. (Same as MST 525)

530         Researching Opportunities in Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (3:3)

Students will learn how to conduct research necessary to make informed decisions for an entrepreneurial venture and measure and assess economic development opportunities. No business research experience necessary. (Same as GEO, LIS 330) ENT/GEO/LIS Syllabus

535          Entrepreneurship and Independent Press Publishing (3:3)

Pr. graduate standing or permission of instructor. Exploration, analysis, and participation in independent press publishing from inception to final product while practicing the entrepreneurial strategies needed to begin a successful venture. (Same as ENG 535)

540         Social Entrepreneurship: Justice and a Green Environment (3:3)

Interdisciplinary course in social entrepreneurship. Exploration of models for designing and implementing entrepreneurial projects which respond to social, economic, environmental, and justice issues. Introduction to direct action and evaluation. (Same as BUS, SWK, CST, PSC, CNR, & WGS 540)

605          Entrepreneurial Family Business (3:3)

Explores and analyzes in detail the management, ownership, family/business leadership skills, succession, and governance practices found in entrepreneurial family-owned and family-controlled businesses. (Same as BUS 605)

606          International Entrepreneurship (3:3)

Issues related to starting, joining, or holding stakes in inter­national ventures, the creation and management of business ventures that have international dimensions, economic and formal/informal institutions affecting entrepreneurship. (Same as BUS 606)

607          Entrepreneurship: Venture Opportunities and Plan (3:3)

Knowledge and skills to evaluate ideas to determine if they are potential opportunities by developing a feasibility analysis, cul­minating in a venture plan to launch and grow a new business. (Same as BUS 607)

608          Corporate Entrepreneurship (3:3)

Examination of the challenges and opportunities for employees and organizations in creating and maintaining an entrepreneur­ial culture. Students consult with local for profit or non-profit organizations to perform an entrepreneurial audit. (Same as BUS 608)

609          Franchising (3:3)

Develop knowledge and skills needed to succeed as a franchi­see, franchisor, or franchise executive, including understanding the Franchise Disclosure Document and the role of entrepre­neurship in franchising. (Same as BUS 609)

615          Entrepreneurship for the Sciences (3:3)

Develop knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship to identify and evaluate sciences and technology ideas in chemistry and the life sciences as opportunities to take through the feasibility and business plan. Same as CHE 615)

616          Entrepreneurship in Clinical Settings (2:2)

Develop knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship to effective­ly build and implement a successful business model (e.g. pri­vate practice) for the design and delivery of clinical practices, or related services. Same as CED 616) ENT/CED 616 Syllabus

661          Entrepreneurial Career Development in Music (3:3)

Focus on the entrepreneurship knowledge, skills, and career development to enable students to become the architect of his/her future. (Same as MUS 661)

671          Issues in Apparel and Related Industries Entrepreneurship Research (3:3)

Current state of research on entrepreneurship studies in gen­eral and particularly within the apparel and related products industry. (Same as CRS 671)

672          Web Programming (3:3)

Apply fundamental programming concepts in designing and implementing applications for the web. Foundations for devel­oping web applications. (Same as ISM 672)

677          Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Healthy Aging (3:3)

Examination of entrepreneurship opportunities related to the aging population, with specific attention to products and services that extend the healthy lifespan. Includes development of Business Opportunity Analysis. (Same as GRO 677 and KIN 677)

701          Promoting and Protecting Health through Entrepreneurship (3:3)

Introduction to Federal Small Business Research grant mechanisms for entrepreneurial research. Preparation of a grant proposal for submission to NIH, CDC, or Department of Education. (Same as HEA 701)

711          Experimental Course

This number reserved for experimental courses. Refer to Course Schedule for current offerings.

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