Opportunities at UNCG in Entrepreneurship are all across campus and evolve almost on a daily basis. The Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Living Learning Center (LLC) opened in the fall of 2011 at the new Jefferson Suites. The Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO Club) has been on campus since 2007 and is open to all undergraduate and graduate students of any major.
Internship opportunities are also available for Entrepreneurship majors and minors through the Greensboro InternNet Program and the Bryan School of Business.
Scholarships in the amount of $500 scholarships are available if requirements are met. This includes enrolling in ENT 450 Directed Study in Entrepreneurship (Internships)-3 credits, meeting with the Bryan School Career Advisor, and signing up a semester in advance. These are available on a limited basis for Entrepreneurship majors and minors only. The internship is required for all majors in Entrepreneurship and is an elective for minors in Entrepreneurship. For more information, please contact Linda Pollock in Career Services, Bryan 301, or email her at l_pollock@uncg.edu. She can also assist with all types of internships and employment opportunities or Dr. Dianne Welsh at dhwelsh@uncg.edu.